The Guaranteed Effects of the Pyramids Meditation Increases Ability to Visualize: |
Personal experiences of numerous individuals have indicated greater ease in achieving and maintaining visualizations. Colors seem more vivid; images appear sharper. | |
Raises EEG alpha waves: Documented tests have shown higher frequency and higher amplitude alpha waves from people meditating in pyramids. These resultant alpha waves should enable a higher state of consciousness. |
Allows better astral traveling: Enhanced heightened levels of meditation are conducive to astral travel. Exterior stimuli, sight and sound particularly drop away. A sense of time distortion and space consciousness facilitates astral travel. |
Sacred Space: One of the important ways of getting “out of this world” for an even short period of time is to have a Sacred Space, that one feels special when in that space. Pyramids have affected many people in this way. American Indians and eastern gurus used prayer rugs to establish their sacred space. |
More Energy: A typical reaction after meditating in pyramids is a sense of more energy, improved mental clarity, and faster reaction time. |
More refreshed after less sleep: Experimenters who have been meditating around the pyramid for months report their sleep time has decreased from 8 hours per night to 5 hours, with energy levels as high as or higher than before. |
Stimulates visions of Egypt: Perhaps because of the association of the pyramids in Egypt, meditators report a high incidence of visions of Egypt and Egyptian past life recall. |
Produces tingling feeling and sometimes body rushes: A common experience among meditators is feeling an “electric” tingling feeling, as well as body rushes, a sense of weightlessness, and an improved capability to experience energy. |
Allows one to see one’s Guide: Certain guided meditations seem to facilitate seeing one’s spiritual guide while meditating in the pyramids. |
Keeps Mosquitoes from Biting: From personal observation, mosquitoes did not bite while meditating in the pyramids’ area. They would fly around and light on people, but they did not bite till you finish. |
Metal is shined: It’s possible that the alpha-beta forms of metal may be changed by the pyramids energy. Some researchers have reported tarnished objects seem brightened by being in the pyramids. |
Razor Blades and other metals are sharpened: Blades must be aligned with the north-south axis along the longest axis of object. Try 7-10 days exposure in the pyramids, more for extreme dullness. |